Art Explosion!
If you were to enter my house and take a tour, which I would undoubtedly offer, you would think there had been an art explosion. Let me...
Art Explosion!
Overwhelmed, challenged, as usual
Where does the inspiration come from?
Turning photographs into art
Inspired and Uplifted Artist
Middle of the Night Ramblings
Are you prepared for a large exhibit?
Art is the easy part
Wiring Your Painting
A Daunting Task
Let's Be Honest
That Perfect Piece!
Give it away? Who does that?
YEG Art Walk
When You're Not Feeling It
My Plein Air Journey - part 4b - a video
My Plein Air Journey - part 4a - 2nd morning on the beach
My Plein Air Journey - part 4
My Plein Air Journey - part 3