Every spring, it seems, I get a feeling of over-extension. I've taken on too much. I've committed to shows and events that will keep me busy over the summer and well into the fall.
What gives? Why do I do that? Why does anyone do that?
Just say no
What a cliché. It's true, however. But the person to say no to, is yourself.
It is weird how I can get caught up in just doing everything. Signing up for everything. Filling up my calendar with art events and responsibilities. Do you do this? If you don't, then I envy you.
Being overwhelmed does not have to stem from art or art societies. It can be a general downfall in any realm of life. Work, kids, house, yard, grandchildren, and the list is really endless. What is it about me, or you, that hinders our strength to just say no? What exactly are we trying to prove? That we're invincible? We can handle anything? So not true.
What have I done?
I think I've extended myself and it's taken getting sick to make me realize it. My sickness is just temporary. Everybody relax! I have bronchitis, I'm pretty sure. The same thing happened leading up to the Whyte Ave Art Walk during the summer. Now I probably have some proclivity to get it when I'm stressed. Or not. But it is my theory. My body's way of telling my brain to smarten up.
Right now, I'm the president of the St. Albert Painters Guild. This being my second year. I've said that I would stay on if that's what members want. But is it what I want? I enjoy being president. I like how I get a hand in making decisions that will better the Guild and make it more enjoyable for everyone. I can handle it pretty well. I receive and respond to emails a lot. It's my own doing, because I have my email linked on my phone and I carry my phone everywhere.
I've always felt that if you have a responsibility to an association, you should do your absolute best. Show up, be present, do your job. I still believe that. Maybe it needs to be to a lesser extent? Delegate, isn't that what "people" say?
Along with the responsibilities of president, I'm involved in a few art events. Tongue in cheek.
A big one is the Spring Art Show and Sale for the St. Albert Painters Guild. This year it is April 26-28. I've been running the show, so to speak, for several years. This year I have 2 lovely ladies who have stepped up to take over the show. What a relief! However, breaking in new show managers is work. No matter how dedicated the newbies are (and they are!), it is still a lot of work for me. I'm the go-to person. I'm training and planning and showing up, still. I have absolutely no problem with it. I hope that the next show in the Fall will require less of my input.
After the Spring Show, comes my solo showing at the Misericordia hospital. May 3 - Sep 6. This will require me hanging approximately 50-60 paintings. That is a lot of work. And will I have enough artwork? Of course, I'm so prolific! Not so much these days, it seems. Being ill right now is no help! I didn't even ask for the showing, but the hospital volunteer coordinator contacted me because there was a cancellation. I didn't think twice. Maybe I should have.
Then comes Art in the Open (presented by the St. Albert Painters Guild). This is Saturday, June 8. A one day event where the public can travel around St. Albert and view art in the front yards of artists and in green spaces throughout St. Albert. It's great fun for everyone.
I decided to join the committee because, hey, I was giving up the Spring Show manager position, right? Oops. But I'm signed up for the event, so now I have some sort of say in how it goes.
I am a member of the Morinville Art Club. We meet and paint on Tuesday evenings. I haven't made it to too many of these. Sorry, folks. I miss it. In June, for the Morinville Festival Days, the art club sets up a tent and we paint from dawn to dusk. I love this! I'm the early riser so I am always there by 5 am. No different this year, I hope. June 15th. One week after Art in the Open.
I have had a few home sales over the past years. I was planning to have one on June 23, here at the farm. In our shed out back. Safe from the elements. I planned to advertise in the Legal-lerie, the local newsletter. I am now, at this moment, reconsidering. In fact, I think I will not proceed!. Just say no - to myself! No one is forcing me to do it. I have enough going on.
There...decision made.
And of course, along comes the Whyte Ave Art Walk. I've already signed up for the same spot I was in last year. July 12-14. Mark it on your calendar. I better get painting. I will have a lot of art tied up at the Misericordia, still.
And what about me?
When do I get to unwind and relax? When do you? Do you?
I take an oil painting class on Tuesday afternoons. That will probably end during the summer months.
I hope to go plein air painting during the summer, weather permitting.
I want to sit on my deck and enjoy watching all the birds. We have bird feeders of all sorts. It makes me happy.
I want to write more poetry.
I want to spend more time painting again.
A road trip this summer. Even for a few days.
I hope to do a reading from my book at The Carrot Cafe. They have open mic sessions.
My Book!
Oh, my book! Seeking Gentle Inspiration...in art and life. Self-published. I need to read it (chuckle)
I have them available for $25. Just email me fdpelletier@yahoo.com or phone 780-868-7642.
It can also be purchased on Amazon. It's $35 there, but may be cheaper than me trying to ship you one. I'm willing to meet up in the Edmonton area.
Time to Chill
Seeing as how I am sick, I am going to use this week to chill out. As far as that is possible.
I'm going to pull out my sketch book. I'll reread my own book and recall all that I have accomplished. If it's warm enough I may venture outside with a coffee in hand. Watch the grass turn green.